A Recordable vs. A Workers’ Comp Claim

Marketing Team

Recordables and workers’ compensation claims are commonly used when workplace injuries and accidents happen.

Although both are mentioned when work-related injuries occur, they have different purposes.

The differences are important for both employers and employees to understand.

What is a recordable?

A recordable claim, or an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recordable, refers to a work injury or illness that meets the criteria for recordkeeping.

OSHA requires employers to maintain records of work-related injuries and illnesses to ensure transparency, identify potential hazards, and develop safety plans.

These records establish historical accounts of incidents, which is important for improving workplace safety.

What makes a recordable?

To be considered a recordable, work-related injury or illness needs to meet specific OSHA requirements.

Below are the criteria that must be met for a work-related injury or illness to be considered a recordable:

  • Missed, limited, or restricted work
  • Job transfer
  • Death
  • Required medical attention
  • Loss of consciousness

Employers are responsible for keeping accurate records of all recordables in the OSHA Form 300 log. This form keeps track of work-related injuries and illnesses that detail the affected areas of the body and missed work.

Reports must be accurately reported to OSHA by employers within a specific timeframe. The timeframe usually depends on the severity of the injury or illness.

What is a workers’ compensation claim?

Workers’ compensation claims provide benefits and financial compensation to employees who experience a work-related injury or illness.

This is a form of insurance that employers must have to protect employees and their organization as the employer in the event of a workplace accident.

What makes a workers’ compensation claim?

Any employee who suffers a workplace accident resulting in an injury or illness can file a workers’ compensation claim.

This allows the employee to receive compensation through medical benefits, wage replacement, rehabilitation, and disability packages.

Regardless of who is at fault for a workplace accident, employees are entitled to these benefits since this operates under a “no-fault” system.

There are specific steps employees must take to file this type of claim which include:

  • Notifying their employer
  • Seeking medical attention
  • Filing a claim through the appropriate agency (this information and supporting documents should be provided by the employer)

Employers must offer workers’ compensation insurance, address claims in a timely manner, and work with insurance providers and any health care professionals involved.

What is the difference?

Recordables and workers’ compensation claims are both connected to workplace accidents.

Recordables track and document work-related accidents to focus on improving workplace safety.

Workers’ compensation claims support employees who have suffered a workplace accident through benefits.

How can ART treatment lower these incidents and related costs?

Active Release Techniques® (ART®) treatment is a non-invasive system that treats soft-tissue and nerve dysfunction at the source. This hands-on treatment combines provider touch, pressure, and tension with patient movement to pinpoint and treat the origin of the affected area.

According to the NCS (National Safety Council), every second on average,14 American workers sustain an injury in the workplace.

So how can ART On-Site Wellness programs help your company?

Here is what we can do for you.

ART On-Site Wellness programs place an ART Elite Provider™ (EP) on-site at company facilities. An EP visits on a weekly basis to take care of employees dealing with limited range of motion and/or pain using ART treatment.

Because over 80% of soft-tissue dysfunction can be resolved in five or fewer ART treatment sessions, your employees avoid long-term pain and damage from their work, and you help lower US injury statistics, creating safer workplaces.

Want a real-life example?

Your employee is suffering from soft-tissue pain that involves inflammation and damage to the epimysium, the connective tissue surrounding the muscle fibers, resulting in pain and limited muscle function.

They are unable to perform their basic job duties resulting in delayed product shipment times.

Instead of needing to take the recordable or workers’ compensation routes, your company has an on-site EP.

An EP would locate the exact source of pain, perform ART treatment, and within 15 minutes, the employee can get back to work instantly feeling better than before their appointment.

So, what do you say?

Are you ready to take the next step and establish on-site ART treatment?

Click here to set up a quick call with ART’s Sales Manager, Bradley Guye.