Provider Resources
Clinic Classifieds: Find ART Certified Providers™ for your clinic. (Submissions posted to Facebook forum.)
About The ART Certified Provider Listing
The ART Certified Provider Listing is an invaluable marketing tool for building your client base. People searching for ART Certified Providers in your area will usually find your Provider Listing first, due to priority search on Google and a geotagged location for accuracy. Your listing includes your clinic address, credentials, and contact information.
Our listings also provide the primary means for consumers to ensure they receive ART care from qualified and authorized professionals.
Your ART Certified Provider Listing is included free of charge with annual certification or recertification.
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The ARTMan application is your ultimate study and reference partner. The app hosts all educational materials for your past or upcoming seminars, ensuring access to the most up to date materials and eliminating the need for lugging around paper manuals or keeping track of flash drives. The app also integrates with the Visible Body app (sold separately) to help you locate and visualize structures when palpating. The ARTMan II app is available for download on iPad and Android tablets and is included with your seminar registration.
Connect With Your Peers
Our Active Release Techniques® private Facebook group is the place to go to ask questions of your peers, post jobs, and build your network. The forum is open only to ART Certified Providers™ and acts as your 24/7 virtual meet-up space. We also use the group to pass on exclusive information, news, and special offers. To become a member, make sure you are up to date on your certification, then simply request to join.
Frequently asked questions
May I use the ART logo in my practice?
Active ART Certified Providers may use the logo to signify their certification, ensuring it’s not used in a way suggesting affiliation beyond certification. The logo shouldn’t imply representation or sponsorship by ART, nor be used for corporate or workplace services. Inactive providers are prohibited from logo use. For inquiries on logo usage or brand guidelines, please contact
What is the ART Certified Provider Directory Listing?
Active ART Certified Providers are listed in our ART Certified Provider Directory. People searching for ART Certified Providers are met with our “Find a Provider” tool, which funnels potential patients to your directory listing and practice. Most providers find this feature more than pays for annual certification or recertification fees by itself. Directory listings are included in seminar registration fees and are activated upon confirmation of the successful completion of your first (or next if you’ve been inactive) ART Seminar. Providers are removed from the directory when their ART certification expires.
How do I know if a provider offering ART treatment is certified/active?
You can locate all ART Certified Providers authorized to use the ART® and ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUES® trademarks in our ART Certified Provider Directory. If a provider is not listed there, they are either inactive or have never attended an ART Seminar. In such instances, they may be offering counterfeit ART treatment, and we urge you to report them by emailing
Is it required to be certified in all ART seminars? Do I need to certify or recertify every year?
No. Most ART Certified Providers should gradually complete all seminars/certifications to enhance their understanding and skills. Review recommended provider pathways. Annual certification is necessary to use the ART® and ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUES® trademarks and stay listed in the ART Certified Provider Directory. For additional recertification information visit our Recertification Page.
I do not see a seminar near me and prefer not to travel, what options do I have?
You may occasionally need to travel to another city to maintain your ART certification. If you are an ART Full Body Level 1 Certified Provider, you have the option of recertifying through an online recertification seminar every other year. If you didn’t exercise that option last year, it is an option for you this year. Otherwise, you may submit an inquiry for a private or clinic-hosted seminar in your city. Please email for more information.
Am I required to test? Can I test if I don’t attend the entire seminar?
You will not be licensed to use the ART® and ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUES® trademarks or listed in our ART Certified Provider Directory without successful completion of testing. We have found that some providers don’t feel ready to test at the conclusion of their seminar. In fact, some of our most successful providers have felt that way, especially in Level 2 seminars. If that’s where you find yourself, that’s totally okay. Let’s talk about it and determine how to get you credentialed. Unless you are a recertification attendee, you must attend the entire seminar to test.
What should I expect at the seminar?
Appropriate Attire at the Seminar:
Athletic attire such as shorts, yoga pants, t-shirts, joggers, and athletic polo shirts and tops is most suitable. The seminar involves hands-on practice on other attendees, so wear clothing that allows for ease of movement. Attire should be similar to what you would wear for a workout, excluding items like ties, speedos, jackets or coats, swimsuits, sports bras only, or biking shorts.Hotel Accommodations:
Hotel accommodations are not included in the cost of the seminar. Attendees are responsible for arranging their own lodging. While seminars held at a hotel may offer a group rate negotiated by ART, attendees have the freedom to choose their lodging arrangements.Seminar Expectations:
ART Seminars primarily consist of hands-on practice and training, comprising at least 80% of the seminar content. Attendees receive immediate feedback from instructors and peers. It’s essential to prepare in advance for the seminar. Regular snack and lunch breaks are provided, and for detailed seminar agendas, please refer to the main webpage(s) for the seminar(s) of interest.Registration:
We recommend leaving yourself four to six weeks for self-study of our curriculum materials in advance of a seminar. Having said that, you may enroll in a seminar up to just a few days prior, when registration closes. We ship curriculum materials as soon as your order is processed. The sooner you enroll in a seminar, the more time you’ll have to prepare. -
Do ART seminars offer continuing education units (CEUs)?
In most cases, contact hours will be awarded to eligible attendees upon successful completion of an ART seminar. ART seminar attendees are eligible for as many as 44.25 (Full Body Level 1) and as few as 3.5 (Advance Full Body Online). Please check eligibility and details on the registration webpage(s) for the seminar(s) you are interested in completing.