How Movement Affects Your Brain Health

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Maintaining a healthy body goes beyond physical exercise. Did you know that physical health is closely related to the well-being of your brain, too?

So, what is the link between brain health and physical health?

Keep reading to learn how physical health directly influences your brain health.

How the brain works

We know that the brain is responsible for controlling our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and bodily functions – but how exactly?

In simple terms, the brain oversees everything your body does.

The brain sends and receives messages from neurons which are small messengers that allow us to think, feel, and move.

When you experience something through sight, touch, or sound, your brain processes that while helping you understand what is going on and how to react.

Your brain also stores memories that you can access allowing you to remember past events.

When learning new information or skills, your brain makes connections between neurons helping you improve with time.

How does your physical health contribute to all this?

Let’s get into it.

The link between physical health and your brain

How is your movement affecting your brain health? Well, there are various factors physical health improves that help keep your brain healthy.

Oxygen and nutrition

The brain depends on a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to properly function, and your physical fitness plays an important role in delivering this to the brain.

Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system (your heart and blood vessels) which ensures efficient blood flow to your brain.

Why is this important?

It keeps your brain well-nourished and in peak condition.

Improved function

Physical health impacts your brain structure and function.

When you exercise, it helps your brain create new nerve cells while making stronger connections between them. This boost in brain activity improves your memory, learning, and thinking skills.

Staying physically active also helps lower your risk of memory and thinking problems as you age, and reduces the risk of diseases that affect your brain’s health.

Boosted mental health

Moving your body and being active impacts your mental well-being, which directly affects your brain’s health.

When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that make you feel happier and reduce feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed.

Prevent disease

Some chronic health conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can negatively affect your brain health.

By staying physically active, you lower your chances of developing these conditions.

Of course, managing a healthy weight and balanced diet plays into this too.

Better sleep

Maintaining your physical health through exercising and eating well can improve your quality of sleep.

Sleep is important for your brain as it helps with your memory, ability to think, and repair itself.

By making quality sleep a priority along with physical activity, your brain will function better.

The connection between brain health and physical health is undeniable.

When you prioritize your body through exercise, a well-balanced diet, and a healthy sleep schedule, you are nurturing your brain.

It is important to keep your brain healthy as it controls everything we do and feel.