What is OSHA First Aid?

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No matter where you work, accidents and injuries can happen and that is where OSHA First Aid comes into play.

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is a regulatory agency that enforces strict safety and health protocols to maintain safe work environments.

OSHA First Aid are the guidelines and requirements set by OSHA for workplaces to follow in the event of an unexpected injury or illness.

The purpose of these guidelines is to prevent further injuries and promote employee well-being.

Why is OSHA First Aid important?

OSHA First Aid is important for employees and employers and vital for workplace safety.


  • First Aid Training

OSHA requires employers to train designated staff in basic first aid measures like assessing injuries, performing CPR, and using defibrillators (AEDs).


  • First Aid Kits

Employers should keep a first aid kit in an easily accessible and well-known spot for employees. This includes restocking first aid kit items.


  • Emergency Action Plans

An outline of procedures employees should follow in the event of an emergency and practicing these to better prepare them.


  • Recordkeeping and Reporting

Work-related illnesses and injuries must be accurately reported and have proper records.


When employers closely follow protocols and establish these key elements as safety precautions, they are ensuring a safer working environment.

Why is OSHA First Aid important?

OSHA First Aid is important for employees and employers and vital for workplace safety because it:

  1. Promotes a safe work environment and culture.
  2. Ensures employees receive immediate medical attention.
  3. Protects companies from potential liability.
  4. Increases employee morale and productivity.
What is ART Treatment?

Active Release Techniques® (ART®) Treatment is a non-invasive system that treats soft tissue and nerve dysfunction at the source. This hands-on treatment combines provider touch, pressure, and tension with patient movement to pinpoint and treat the origin of the affected area.

ART treatment is first-aid OSHA designated.

ART treatment is first and only soft-tissue treatment designated by name as OSHA First Aid so you never have to stress about on-site ART treatment creating a recordable.

This means your workers’ compensation claims and OSHA recordables will decrease along with the pain your employees experience on a day-to-day basis.

How do I get ART treatment at my company?

Enroll your company in the ART On-Site Wellness program by scheduling a quick call with our sales team.

What is this program?

ART On-Site Wellness programs place an ART Elite Provider (EP) on-site at company facilities. An EP visits on a weekly basis to treat employees with ART treatment.

Read more about saving with the ART On-Site Wellness program here.