With ART Treatment, “Every Day is Always a Miracle”

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ART Success Story

Lauren Atchley, ART’s Social Media Specialist, sat down with ART Elite Provider, Shawn Harris, to get his perspective on Active Release Techniques® (ART®) seminars and what ART treatment success he’s seen in his patients.

Read on to learn more about how ART treatment produces daily miracles.

Q: Introduce yourself. Tell us where you are from, your educational background, and your work history. 

A: My name is Shawn Harris. I’m an Elite Provider with ART. I’m a licensed massage therapist. I mainly focus on ART [treatment]. I have a local contract with Trane, the air conditioner manufacturer, and a small office where I see clients throughout the week as well.

Q: Why did you choose to go into health care? 

A: I kind of grew up around it. My mom was a physical therapist, she had about 45 years of practice. Then my dad’s an Elite Provider, or former Elite Provider. He was the Ironman team captain in the 90s at a local Ironman race. [He] met Dr. Leahy and his team, and then got into ART [treatment], then became an Elite Provider. I’ve just kind of grown up around it and something I’ve always wanted to do. I enjoy helping people and making their quality of life better.

Q: How did you find or hear about ART?

A: My father.

Q: What keeps you coming back to ART seminars? 

A: There’s really nothing else like it in the therapy world. It’s really effective, just the way we can find and treat issues. And the speed and effectiveness of it, is really like nothing else I’ve ever seen for soft tissue or nerve dysfunctions.

Q: Tell us about your greatest success with ART treatment.

A: I mean, every day is always a miracle. There’s so many that come to mind. One that I’ve had [that] was early on in my experience. I had a lady who was a former Air Force, or airwoman. She was in basic training and broke her foot, and then had plantar fasciitis problems for about a decade. She wasn’t able to go on her tippy toes at all. And within one visit, she was able to kind of go back up on her toes. [ART treatment] alleviated just about all her issues. Then the second visit, she was pretty much good to go. I’ll just see her as needed here or there, but she was a bodybuilder and was having some issues, which is why she initially came in, but I was pretty surprised on how effective it was. [I] just knew that it [ART treatment] was something special from there on.

Q: What advice would you give someone just starting their ART journey?

A: Stay focused on the anatomy. Don’t get too caught up in trying to focus on every little [ART] protocol. Follow the tension. And like Dr. Leahy says, it’s legal to switch things around if you feel it moving or flow in certain ways. You got a great team, and everything’s laid out for you. Just focus on your anatomy and the more you treat people the better you get and try not to get lost in the details.

Want to see these powerful results from ART treatment in your clinic? Click here.

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